Monday, July 24, 2006


Greetings, Earthlings.

We have a few good news to share with you. Can't contain it, so we're spilling it out in this page.

First of all,
We received such an overwhelming response over the weekend, our demo CD's are sold out!We made around 30 copies for the weekend, and they were selling like hot cakes!

But fret not dear friends, we are making a few more copies and they;re gonna be sold at our first gig.Which brings us to the second good news, OUR FIRST GIG!

We're playing Unclogged on the 4th of August 2006, alongside Force Vomit, the Mindless Show, and a few more acts. Flyers aren;t out yet, but we'll post them as soon as our eyes catch the sight of it.

And it doesn't end there. On the 31st, we're organizing a show with Keng from Awakening at his studio in Taman Desa. What better way to celebrate independence day than to go out and dance at a independent gig.Btul tak? Flyer design is in the super-duper-rocket-science-design-lab at the moment, keep your eyes peeled for it.

Shouts of grattitude to Joe Kidd, Jay, Keng, Orbit Cinta Benjamin, Nao, Akta Angkasa, Arif and to the kids that bought our CD.

Bust a move,yo!


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